EB-4 Religious Worker

Who is this category for?

Religious Workers


Iraqi/Afghan Translators

Iraqis Who Have Assisted the United States

International Organization Employees


Armed Forces Members

Panama Canal Zone Employees

Retired NATO-6 employees

Spouses and Children of Deceased NATO-6 employees

What are the Requirements?

1. Have been a member of a religious denomination that has a bona fide non-profit religious organization in the United States for at least 2 years immediately \before the filing of a petition for this status with USCIS.

2. Seek to enter the United States to work in a full time, compensated position in one of the following occupations:

Solely as a minister of that religious denomination;

A religious vocation either in a professional or nonprofessional capacity;

A religious occupation either in a professional or nonprofessional capacity; or

A bona fide non-profit religious organization in the United States. 

3. Be coming to work for either:

A bona fide non-profit religious organization in the United States; or

A bona fide organization that is affiliated with the religious denomination in the United States.

4. Have been working in one of the positions described above after the age of 14, either abroad or in lawful immigration status in the United States, continuously for at least 2 years immediately before the filing of a petition with USCIS. The prior religious work need not correspond precisely to the type of work to be performed. A break in the continuity of the work during the preceding two years will not affect eligibility so long as:

The foreign national was still employed as a religious worker;

The break did not exceed two years; and

The nature of the break was for further religious training or for sabbatical that did not involve unauthorized work in the United States. However, the foreign national must have been a member of the petitioner’s denomination throughout the two years of qualifying employment.

 For more information, contact our immigration lawyers and asylum attorneys.


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