Immigration News

End of Year Immigration Reminders: What to Know in the Last Month of 2018

By Attorney Nadia Khalid As 2018 comes to a close, we encourage clients to remain aware of a few end-of-the-year reminders: Keep in mind that the holiday season is approaching. Law firms, attorneys, and the government will be observing the holiday season and New Year at the end of the month. Expect delays in communication.

USCIS propone H-1B programa de registro al empleador

Por la Abogada Michele Strickland  El 17 de octubre del 2018, el Departamento de Homeland Security de los Estados Unidos (DHS) dio a conocer la agenda unificadora de actos de regulación y desregulación y plan de regulación, el cual provee al público con una visión general de los cambios que se podrán efectuar. Una de

USCIS Proposes H-1B Employer Registration Program

By Attorney Michele Strickland On October 17, 2018, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released its Fall 2018 Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions and Regulatory plan, which provides the public with an overview of changes they would like to make. One DHS proposed regulation, entitled “Registration Requirement for Petitioners Seeking to File

Una Victoria para Powers Law Group de una Retención de Deportación

El viernes pasado, nuestra firma ganó una retención de un caso de deportación para una persona de Centroamérica. Después de aver vivido en los Estados Unidos por más de veinte años, y de repente quitarle sus beneficios de inmigración debido a la ineficaz asistencia de un abogado en asuntos de derecho penal, luchamos por su

Withholding of Removal Win In Court

Last Friday, our firm won a withholding of removal case for an individual from Central America. After being here for over twenty years and suddenly getting their immigration benefit taken away because of ineffective assistance of counsel on criminal law issues, we fought for their immigration case and won. Given the recent trends in immigration

Cuatro victorias de asilo en Powers Law Group

El mes pasado, Powers Law Group recibió la maravillosa noticia que cuatro de nuestros clientes recibieron aprobaciones de asilo! Powers Law Group recibió dos aprobaciones de la Oficina de Asilo de Houston, Texas, y una aprobación de la Oficina de Asilo de Arlington, Virginia. Las tres aprobaciones de asilo fueron solicitadas afirmativamente. La primera aprobación

Four Recent Asylum Wins at Powers Law Group

This past month, the Powers Law Group received wonderful news that four of our clients received asylum approvals! The Powers Law Group received 2 approvals from the Houston, Texas Asylum Office, 1 approval from the Arlington, Virginia Asylum Office and 1 approval from Newark, New Jersey Asylum Office. All four asylum approvals were filed affirmatively.

The Notice to Appear (NTA) Memorandum Is Now In Effect

By Attorney Cynthia Milian Earlier this year, we wrote to you addressing the recent changes coming to United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and their expanded authority to issue Form I-862, also known as the Notice to Appear (NTA). This stems from the June 28, 2018 Memorandum, Updated Guidance for the Referral of Cases

Göçmenlik Mahkemesi İstatistikleri ve Yeni Göçmenlik Yargıçları

Avukat Cynthia Milian tarafından Göçmenlik Araştırmaları Merkezi geçtiğimiz günlerde Göçmenlik Mahkemesi, Göçmenlik Dairesi İcra Dairesi (EOIR) ve Göçmenlik Temyiz Kurulu (BIA) önünde bekleyen davaların sayısı hakkında bir çalışma yürütmüştür. Raporlar, beklemede olan dosyaların sayısının artmış olduğunu göstermektedir. Bu istatistiklerin yayınlandığı tarih itibariyle, göçmenlik mahkemelerindeki yaklaşık 328 göçmen yargıcının önünde bekleyen 697,777 dosya veya yargıç başına

Las estadísticas de las cortes de migración y los nuevos jueces de migración

Por La Abogada Cynthia Milian El Centro de estudios de Migración llevo a cabo recientemente un estudio en el número de casos pendientes en la Corte de Migración, en la Oficina Ejecutiva de Migración (EOIR) y en la junta de Apelación de Migración (BIA). El reporte reconoce que el número de casos pendiente han incrementado.

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