Immigration News
New Rule Welcomes International Entrepreneurs
New Rule Welcomes International Entrepreneurs By: Texas Board Certified Immigration Attorney, Ruby L. Powers
New Standard for the National Interest Waiver
New Standard for the National Interest Waiver By: Texas Board Certified Immigration Attorney, Ruby L. Powers
Escogiendo al abogado correcto en inmigración para su caso de asilo
Escogiendo al abogado correcto en inmigración para su caso de asilo Por la abogada en inmigración certificado por la Junta de Texas Ruby L. Powers
Este es el mejor momento para aplicar para un perdón provisional, por qué?
Este es el mejor momento para aplicar para un perdón provisional, por qué? Por la Abogada en inmigración certificada por la Junta de Texas, Ruby L. Powers.
Finding the Right Immigration Attorney for Your Asylum Case
Finding the Right Immigration Attorney for Your Asylum Case By Board Certified Immigration Attorney Ruby L. Powers
Why this is the Best Time to Apply for a Provisional Waiver
By Texas Board Certified Immigration Attorney, Ruby L. Powers December 30, 2016 On December 5, 2016, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) published new policy clarifications regarding provisional waivers, making it easier for individuals to navigate the process of submitting waivers.
Aclaración sobre la extrema dificultad por perdones de inadmisibilidad, entrada en vigor
Powers Law Group P.C. Por la Abogada Certificada en inmigración, Ruby L. Powers Aclaración sobre la extrema dificultad por perdones de inadmisibilidad, entrada en vigor Diciembre 5, 2016.
Clarification of the Extreme Hardship for Waivers of Inadmissibility effective December 5, 2016
Powers Law Group, P.C. November 21, 2016 By Board Certified Immigration Attorney Ruby L. Powers
USCIS Publishes Final Rule For Certain Employment-Based Immigrant and Nonimmigrant Visa Programs
WASHINGTON— USCIS has published a final rule to modernize and improve several aspects of certain employment-based nonimmigrant and immigrant visa programs. USCIS has also amended regulations to better enable U.S. employers to hire and retain certain foreign workers who are beneficiaries of approved employment-based immigrant visa petitions and are waiting to become lawful permanent residents.
USCIS to Welcome International Entrepreneurs
USCIS Proposes Rule To Welcome International Entrepreneurs Powers Law Group, P.C.