3 Steps to Schedule a Consultation:
- Call our office at 713-589-2085, email us at [email protected], or fill out our online form to schedule your consultation directly. (Please note that if you contact us through email, you must wait for a member of our staff to respond with available dates and times.)
- Complete a consultation intake form that best suits your needs. (You can find them below.)
- Payment for your consultation must be made at least two days before your scheduled time. If your consultation is by phone or Zoom it must be paid before– no exceptions. If the consultation is in person, you may pay at our office upon arrival. However, paying in advance confirms your appointment with our office.
Consultation Fees:
- Consultation prices range from $150 to $200, depending on the type of case. Please call or email our office to confirm the exact fee.
After Scheduling a Consultation:
There are a few essential documents to bring with you upon your consultation if they apply to you. These are:
- Request for evidence
- Notice of intent to deny
- Criminal charges/record.
Consultation Intake Forms
General Family-Based Consultation
Waivers, Consular Processing, Adjustment of Status, etc.
Spanish/Espanol: Caso General de Familia
Forma para Consulta
Employment-Based Consultation – Employee
Please also email your CV/Resume to [email protected]
Employment-Based Consultation – Employer
Please also email your CV/Resume to [email protected]
Asylum Consultation
Please also email your statement draft to [email protected] before the consultation
Payment methods:
- Online using the form below
- Check
- Through our Wells Fargo bank account
- Cash (unless you have a phone or Zoom interview)
Outside the US:
If you are outside the US and need help finding a suitable time for a consultation, check out this website for suggestions: Meeting Planner. For Zoom video-conference consultations, after scheduling a consultation, you may contact Attorney Powers via Zoom at the account RubyPowersLawOffice. You can sign up for a Zoom account for free at With a Zoom account, computer, speakers, microphone, and internet connection, you can have a consultation from the comfort of your home or during your lunch break, no matter where you are.
For more information, contact our immigration lawyers and asylum attorneys.
Para obtener una consulta con cualquiera de nuestras abogadas:
Le recomendamos ponerse en contacto con nuestra oficina al teléfono (713) 589-2085 o escribirnos a la dirección electrónica: [email protected]. Varias maneras de pago están a su disposición; una de ellas es por medio de nuestra página oficial y otra por medio de depósitos bancarios. En caso de no tener acceso a ninguna de las dos anteriores formas, si la consulta es en persona, el pago podrá hacerse en efectivo o con cheque. Si usted requiere una consulta por medio de una video-conferencia, es necesario se comunique a nuestras oficinas para programar dicha cita. Una vez liquidado el costo de la consulta, deberá añadir a su cuenta de Zoom, al usuario RubyPowersLawOffice. Si no ha obtenido una cuenta de Zoom, puede realizarlo sin costo alguno en la página Para poder llevar a cabo la consulta efectivamente, es necesario que usted tenga acceso a una cámara web y micrófono (usualmente ya agregados en computadoras portátiles). Después de que estos pasos han sido seguidos correctamente, usted recibirá un correo electrónico confirmado día y hora de su consulta. La consulta es de $ 150.00 generalamente o $200 para caso de empleo o asilo.
Disclaimer: The use of the Internet or this form for communication with the firm or any individual member of the firm does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through this form. If you do not hear back from the firm within 48 business hours, please call to confirm consultation scheduling. The consultation does not constitute retention of the attorney to work on your case. If you wish to hire the firm, you will need to sign a contract after the consultation and make the required down payment associated with the case. Thank you.