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I-730 Follow to Join Success: Family Reunited in the United States

The Powers Law Group successfully reunited a client and his family, whom he had not seen each in almost 2 years. This client hired us in 2017 to file an asylum application on their behalf.  We filed the application in August 2017. In October 2017, we attended their asylum interview. In November 2017, we received an asylum approval.

After that approval, our client asked us to find a way to get his family, whom he had to leave in his country of persecution, to America as fast as possible.

As some of you may know, once a person receives asylee status, they can petition for their families to also receive derivative asylee status. However, our client’s case was especially urgent as his family was stuck abroad in the country of persecution. In February 2018, we filed an “I-730 Follow to Join” petition for his family members abroad. After several inquiries and expedite requests, the family members received their I-730 approvals in September 2018. However, this was just the first step. The next step was for the family members to receive consular interviews in the U.S. Embassies in the country of persecution. We had no control over this process; we could only wait until they were notified by the U.S. Embassy of an interview date. Finally, the family members received consular interview notices for November 2018. Doing the best we could, we prepped the family remotely. After attending the consular interviews, the family members received U.S. visa packets in December 2018.

In January 2019, our client finally met his family again as they flew into America after having successfully obtained U.S. visas abroad.

This was a very long and arduous process for everyone involved, including ourselves, as immigration attorneys, and especially the clients. We did not know how fast any result would come nor did we have regular guidelines for this type of consular interview process.
At the end, the Powers Law Group was able to see an asylum application from start to finish. We wish this family the very best and are thankful to have been a part of their futures. If you have any questions about this process or would like to set up a consultation with an immigration attorney in Houston, TX, please call us at 713-589-2085 or email us at [email protected].


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